Biological Science Lab
The biology lab helps the students in providing the general knowledge of the basic principles of the biological systems through a series of required practices and develop their skills with the use of current methodology and investigation through laboratory our courses.
Human Brain, Human Kidney, Human Heart, Human Eye, Human Ear, Human Skin and Skeleton, etc.
Heart of Sheep, Kidney of Sheep, Prawn, Star Fish, Rat, Calotes, Apple Snail, Earth worm, Ascaris, Frog, Corals, Simple Sponge, Amphioxus, Sharp, Vanda, Pistia, Cuscuta, Vallisneria External Stem, Tape Worm, etc.
Thermometer, Stop Clock, Dissection Box, Dissection Microscope, Sphygmonometer, Stethoscope, Compound Microscope, etc.
Thistle Funnel Experiment, Darwin Photometer Experiment, Ganongs Photometer Experiment, Ganongs Resperiscope Experiment, Kuna's Fermentation Experiment, etc.
Human Nervous System, Human Digestive System, Human Muscles System, Human Physiology, Animal Kingdom, Food Chain, Leaf Anatomy, Root Anatomy, Stem Anatomy, etc.