

Jamal Mohamed College was founded in 1951, as an affiliated college to the University of Madras and then affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, when it was formed in 1982. Jamal Mohamed College is situated in the central part of Tamil Nadu, Tiruchirappali city. It was established as a minority institution with the primary objective of providing higher education to the downtrodden and socially backward section of the society in general.

The college is administered by the Society of Jamal Mohamed College. It is established in a sprawling land area of 87 acres, as a minority institution. Hajee M. Jamal Mohamed Sahib and Janab N.M. Khajamian Rowther , of revered memory, were the founding fathers of this institution.

In the year 1957 the college got the single honor of being bracketed with the thirty best colleges in India when Dan forth Foundation of USA selected the college for the award of study fellowships in U.S.A. In 1963 the college was elevated to the status of a post-graduate college.

In the year 1972, the college was recognized by UGC New Delhi, for the purposes of Grants under section 2(F) and 12(B) of the University Grants Commission Act 1956. In 1977, on the recommendation of the University of Madras, the UGC recognized the college as one of the ten "Lead colleges" in the university area.

The College was accredited at Five Star Level by NAAC during 2002 and conferred with Autonomous Status by UGC, New Delhi and Bharathidasan University in 2004-2005. In January 2009, the College was accredited by NAAC with A-Grade (2nd Cycle) - CGPA 3.6 out of 4.0. Our College was bestowed with the unique honour of "CPE" status Phase-I and Phase-II by the University Grants Commission under the Scheme "Colleges with Potential for Excellence" in 2011 and 2016 respectively. We retained the ‘A’ Grade awarded by NAAC during the third cycle of accreditation in 2015.

In the fourth cycle, the college has been accredited with A++ Grade by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.69 out of 4.0 in 2023.

The college has obtained the prestigious 56th rank among Top ranking institutions in NIRF Rankings - 2023. It is remarkable to state that the college has been recognized with Three Star status by the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC), MHRD innovation cell, Government of India in 2019. Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India has accorded FIST Scheme to the Departments of Zoology, Botany and Physics in 2004 and to the Department of Mathematics in 2008. Again DST FIST Scheme has been extended to the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Botany, Zoology and Computer Science in 2019. Five Science Departments such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology have been short-listed after a meritorious presentation, among many competing institutions and awarded the Star College Scheme by the Department of Bio Technology (DBT) in 2020.

Over a period of 72 years the college was able to scale greater heights and raise to the present status as a multi-faculty institution with 25 UG and 20 PG courses. 17 departments of the college are functioning with the status of approved research centres. The college has a strength of around 10452 students. There are 144 Government Aided teaching faculty and 328 staff members are working under the self finance stream. The college celebrated its silver Jubilee in 1971, subsequently the Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee in 2001 and 2011 respectively.

With many milestone achievements, the College has been marching towards fulfilling marvelous plans, matching the vision and mission of our noble founders and the present Management Committee Members. “The Jamal” journey continues with all gentle Jamalians for still more greater heights of glory in higher education.

Emblem & Motto

The emblem of the college consists of a shield divided into four parts with a circle in the middle. On the top left, there is a crescent and a star, a symbol of Islamic culture and faith in future prosperity. On the right, there is an open book symbolizing knowledge. At the bottom right, there is a lotus, the symbol for purity and prosperity. The bottom left represents a replica of Golden Rock standing for strength and striving. Inset in the mid-circle is the frontage of the college main building with a dome and minarets representing the essence of Islamic culture: The present is a preparation for the Hereafter. Underneath the shield is a ribbon containing a verse from the Holy Quran in Arabic Script followed by its translation in English that reads: 'Show us the right path', which is the motto of the college.

Thus the emblem of Jamal enshrines the ideals of cultural integration and guidance of learning and striving to succeed in the Here and the Hereafter, tempered with constant prayers to the Almighty to guide us on the straight path. The four figures in the shield are diagonally placed with green and yellow backgrounds, stranding prosperity and happiness.

Vision & Mission

"Excellence and Beyond Excellence"

To become a world class, highly acclaimed, innovative and competitive centre of academic and extra academic excellence in Higher Education by offering value added and socially relevant programmes to the students including minority, backward and socially disadvantaged sections of the society.


To provide a unique experience which will enable the student to realize their innate potential and mould their overall personality by

Offering quality education at affordable cost

Developing skills and providing career opportunities

Inculcating and nurturing ethical, spiritual, moral and human values

Promoting consultancy activity, research and development

Creating interest and instilling confidence for achievements.


Hajee M. Jamal Mohamed Sahib

Janab N.M. Khajamian Rowther

Janab N.M. Khajamian Rowther 1951 to 1954
Hajee M. Jamal Mohideen Sahib 1954 to 1975
Hajee M.B. Abdullah Sahib 1975 to 1989
Hajee N.M.K. Abdul Kader Sahib 1989 to 1990
Janab N.M.K. Abdul Khaliq Sahib 1990 to 1995
Janab M.J. Noordeen Sahib 1995 to 2014
Janab M.J. Jamal Mohideen Sahib 1951 to 1966
Hajee M.J. Jamaludeen Sahib 1966 to 1973
Hajee N.M.K. Abdul Kader Sahib 1973 to 1988
Hajee M.B. Abdullah Sahib 1988 to 1989
Hajee M.J.M. Abdul Gafoor Sahib 1989 to 2011
Janab N.M.K. Abdul Samad Sahib 1951 to 1964
Hajee N.M.K. Abdul Kader Sahib 1964 to 1973
Hajee M.J.M. Abdul Gafoor Sahib 1973 to 1989
Hajee K.A. Khaleel Ahamed Sahib 1989 to 2017
Dr. A.K. Khaja Nazeemudeen 2003 to 2011
Hajee M.J. Jamal Mohamed 2011 to 2017
Prof. Hajee M.J.Mohamed Sayeed Sahib, M.A.L.T 1951 to 1970
Prof. E.W.P. Thomas, M.A., 1970 to 1971
Prof. E.P. Mohamed Ismail, M.Com., 1971 to 1985
Dr. C. Nainar Mohamed, M.A., Ph.D., 1985 to 1989
Prof. Hajee N.Abdul Samadh, M.A.,M.Phil., 1989 to 1998
Dr. K. Abdullah Basha, M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D., 1998 to 2003
Dr. M. Sheik Mohamed, M.Com.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., FICWA,PGDCA,PGDCM,Dip.MA.,MBA.,M.Phil., 2003 to 2011
Dr. R. Khader Mohideen, M.Com, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.B.A., 2011 to 2013
Dr. A.M. Mohamed Sindhasha, M.Com.,M.Sc.,(Psy).,M.Phil.,M.B.A.,Ph.D., 2013 to 2014
Dr. S. Mohamed Salique, M.Sc., B.Ed., Dip. in Arabic, Ph.D., 2014 to 2017
Dr. S. Ismail Mohideen, M.Sc., M.Phil., P.G.D.C.A., Ph.D., 2017 to 2024




Hajee M. J. Jamal Mohamed Bilal

 Dr.A.K. Khaja Nazeemudeen

 Hajee M.J. Jamal Mohamed

Dr. K. Abdus Samad

Ordinary Members

S.No Members Name
1 Hajee K. N. S. A. Rahmathullah
2 Hajee A. K. Basheer Ahamed
3 Dr. K.N. Abdul Kader Nihal
4 Mr. M.J.M. Mujeebur Rahman
5 Mr. M. Akbar Ali

University Representative


Dr. K. Premkumar,
Professor & Head,
Dept. of Biomedical Science,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024.


Academic Responsibilities


Dr. D.I. George Amalarethinam

Dr. R. Jahir Hussain

 Dr. A. Ishaq Ahamed

 Dr. A.J. Haja Mohideen

 Ms. A. Famitha Banu
Director – Academic Development

Dr. S.Ismail Mohideen

S. Sheik Ismail
Bursar (SF)

Dr. A.S.Thoufiq Nishath
Dean of Arts (Men)

Dr. J. Khader Sharief
Dean of Arts (Women)

Dr. A. Mehathab Sherief
Dean of Science (Men)

Dr. A. R. Mohamed Shanavas
Dean of Science (Women)

Dr. S. Vaaheedha Kfatheen
Centre for Research & Consultancy

Dr. A. Shajahan
Centre for Research & Consultancy

Dr. A. Sangeetha

Dr. M. Syed Ali Padusha
Deputy Coordinator

Dr. J. Sirajudeen

Dr. A. Zahir Hussain

  Dr. K. Nafees Ahamed

Dr. A. Sophia Alphonse

Dr. A. Syed Zakir Hasan

Dr. A. Ajmal Khaan

Dr. O.S.Abdul Qadir

Dr. M. Aneez Mohamed
DEPUTY Coordinator

Dr. A. Jafar Ahamed

Janab. Dr. K.N. Mohamed Fazil

Ms. J. Hajira Fathima

Dr. S. Nagoor Gani


All hail Jamal Mohamed College!
Long Live Jamal Mohamed College!
Let’s Love Jamal Mohamed College!
With a love that ever grows.

Guided by God’s kindly light
We strive to walk the paths of right
And asking, seeking, knocking find
Treasures t’enrich the mind.

We cherish every gem
Of culture’s diadem
That sparkles in JAMAL

Fun and Play and Team work good
Shall forge us into Brotherhood!
And strong and keen in limb and brain
we true manhood shall gain.

We’ll play our part abroad
As young men who have trod

The ways of good JAMAL
God bless Jamal Mohamed College
The seat of Sweetness and Knowledge
Where Staff and Students graciously
Serve each other truly
Unswerving from the truth
Its progress be all smooth
Through ages yet to be.

- Prof. E.W.P. Thomas (Former Principal)


வாழ்க ஜமால்
வாழ்க வாழ்கவே
வளமார் எமது ஜமால் முகமது
வாழ்க வாழ்கவே

எங்கும் நிறையும் இறையருள் ஒளியில்
இன்பத் துறைசேர் எழிலார் வழியில்
பொங்கும் அறிவும் பொழிவும் கலையும்
பண்பும் பயிலும் அன்பு நிலையம்     (வாழ்க)

அறிவு நூலாசிரியர் போற்றும்
அன்பு கொஞ்சும் மாணவர் போற்றும்
நெறியில் கல்விப் பணிக ளாற்றும்
நெஞ்சு நிரப்பும் ஞான ஊற்று     (வாழ்க)

கூடும் கலையில் ஆடித் திளைக்க
தேடும் அறிவில் ஏறிச் சிறக்க
நாடும் ஆய்வில் ஞானம் பிற்க்க
ஆடும் அரங்கில் கூடிக் களிக்க     (வாழ்க)

உடலில் உறுதி உயரும் உள்ளம்
உணர்வில் தெளிவு ஒளிர்மதி கொள்ளும்
கடவுள் அன்பில் கலைகள் துள்ளும்
கவினாய் அமுதாய் கண்டிமில்லம்     (வாழ்க)


- டாக்டர் சி. நயினார் முகமது
(முன்னாள் முதல்வர்)


  • 1951 College – Inaugurated with Intermediate and UG Courses - Affiliated to University of Madras
  • 1960 Khajamian Men’s Hostel - Inaugurated.
  • 1963 PG Courses – Started.
  • 1963 Alumni Association – Formed.
  • 1972 UGC Recognized under 2(f) and 12 (B) of UGC act 1956
  • 1974 Ph.D Research Programme – Commenced.
  • 1976 UGC Recognized the College as one of the Ten "Lead Colleges" in the state
  • 1976 Silver Jubilee Celebrated.
  • 1982 Affiliated to Bharathidasan University.
  • 1983 M.Phil Courses – Started.
  • 1985 PG Self-Finance Courses – Started.
  • 1986 UG Computer Science Course – Started.
  • 1987 PG Diploma Courses – Started.
  • 1988 AICTE approved M.C.A – Started.
  • 1990 University of Madras – Institute of Correspondence Education – Spot Admission Centre – Stared.
  • 1991 Alumni Association Overseas Chapter – Inaugurated.
  • 1995 UG Self-Finance Courses-Men – Started.
  • 1997 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, Jeddah
  • 1997 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, UAE
  • 1999 UG Self-Finance Courses-women – Started shift II.
  • 1999 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, Malaysia
  • 1999 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, Singapore
  • 1999 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, Kuwait
  • 2000 AICTE approved M.B.A – Started.
  • 2001 Golden Jubilee Celebrated.
  • 2001 Computerized Caligraphy Traning Centre Approved by National Council for promoting Urdu language (Ministry of HRD, New Delhi) - Started
  • 2002 Accredited by NAAC at Five Star Level.
  • 2003 PG Self-Finance Courses-Women – Started shift II
  • 2004 Autonomous Status – Conferred.
  • 2005 Women Hostel – Inaugurated.
  • 2005 UGC Approved six Carrier Oriented Programmes (COP) - Started
  • 2007 PG Self-Finance Courses women - started Shift I
  • 2007 Five years Ulama Course with B.A (Arabic) and M.A (Arabic) – Started
  • 2007 Anna University, Chennai study centres – Distance Education – Started.
  • 2008 Convergence Scheme with IGNOU and Twinning Programme with Pondicherry Central University - Started.
  • 2008 Department of Technical Education approved Type Writing Institute - Started
  • 2008 Received Permanent Affiliation orders for Govt. Aided 11 UG, 11 PG and 2 M.Phil Courses
  • 2008 13 UG & 15 PG Additional Sections started
  • 2009 Accredited by NAAC at ‘A’ Grade (CGPA 3.6 out of 4.0)
  • 2009 3 UG & 1 PG Additional sections started
  • 2009 MBA second section started with AICTE Approval
  • 2009 Ph.D in Computer Science and Management Studies started
  • 2009 Received Permanent Affiliation orders for Self Finance MA (English), M.Com, MBA, MCA, M.Sc(IT), M.Sc(CS), BA (English- 2 sections), B.Com(4-sections),B.Sc., Mathematics, 13 M.Phil, 12 Ph.D and 7 Carrier Oriented Programmes (COP).
  • 2010 Additional Section in M.A., English, M.Sc., Mathematics for Men, 4 Year B.S., Biotechnology and additional section in B.Sc., I.T for Women, PG Diploma in Fermentation Technology and UGC approved COP course in E-Mathematical Tools.
  • 2010 Diamond Jubilee Inaugural Function on 11.07.2010
  • 2010 Received Permanent Affiliation orders for 2 sections of M.Sc., Biotechnology
  • 2010 Extension of Autonomous status for 6 more years conferred by UGC and Bharathidasan University
  • 2010 Singapore Alumni Chapter register as Society
  • 2011 Received Permanent Affiliation orders for M.B.A., Additional section-I and M.Sc., Chemistry (2 sections)
  • 2011 Declared open Diamond Jubilee arch
  • 2011 Diamond Jubilee Valedictory function on 07.02.2011 on completion of 60 Years with a students strength of 9625.
  • 2011 Awarded “College with Potential for Excellence Status” with a financial grant of Rs. 1.5 Crores by the UGC, New Delhi
  • 2011 Awarded Accreditation for 3 Years for M.B.A., Programme by National Board of Accreditation of AICTE, New Delhi.
  • 2012 B.Sc., Biotechnology, M.Phil and Ph.D in Biotechnology and Microbiology, Ph.D in Physical Education, Advanced Diploma in Computer Applications with Arabic courses were started.
  • 2012 Inauguration of the Indoor Stadium constructed with partial UGC funding.
  • 2013 PG Diploma in Bio Diversity Informatics under UGC Sponsored innovative scheme was introduced.
  • 2013 College is identified by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) as one of the 45 Colleges in India to be accorded the power to grant degrees in the status of a state University.
  • 2014 Jamal Institute of Management has been Ranked in Category ‘A’ by the All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi, Business Standard B-Schools Ratings.
  • 2014 Additional Section in B.Sc., Hotel Management and Catering Science for Men and B.Sc., Physics for Women were started.
  • 2015 B.Com additional section (VIII) for men introduced
  • 2015 B.Sc. Microbiology section started for Women Section
  • 2015 B.Sc. Mathematics addtitional section (III) fro Women Started
  • 2016 Visit of UGC expert committee to evaluate the performance and academic attainment and to recommend the extension Autonomous status of 6 more years (upto 2021 - 2022)
  • 2016 Visist of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Peer Team for Re-accreditation
    (3rd Cycle) process
  • 2016 The UGC has granted extension of Autonomous status for the further period of six years from 2016-17 to 2021-2022
  • 2016 The College is Re-accredited by NAAC in the Third Cycle with 'A' Grade
  • 2016 B.C.A. additional section (VII) for men introduced
  • 2016 B.Com. additional section (IX) for women introduced
  • 2016 B.Sc. Visual Communication for men started
  • 2016 Inauguration of Alumni Chapter, Tiruchirappalli
  • College was bestowed with the unique honour of 'CPE' status (Phase-II) by the University Grants Commission in 2016-2017
  • During the year 2016 - 2017, Ph. D. programme in History was introduced.
  • The syllabi for UG, PG, M. Phil and other programmes were revised during the year 2016 - 2017 for implementations from the academic year 2017 - 2018
  • During 2017-18, M.Phil., Nutrition and Dietetics Course was started. A Centre for Islamic Cultural Research was also established.
  • Our College was ranked as one of the Top hundred colleges (83rd rank) in the National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2017-18 by MHRD, New Delhi.
  • The Conferement of Muslim Minority Status was given by the Government of Tamil Nadu for the period of five years from 2017-18 to 2021-22.
  • During the academic year 2018-19, B.A. Arabic and B.Sc., Zoology for women and M.Phil., Social Work Programmes were started. The Affiliation was also granted for UGC sponsored B.Voc., Food Processing and Safety and B.Voc., Apparel and Fashion Design programme under NSQF
  • During 2018-19, Innovation and Incubation Centre and Intellectual Property Rights Cell were established.
  • Our College was ranked as one of the Top hundred Colleges (59th rank) in the National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2018-19 by MHRD, New Delhi.
  • The Department of Visual Communication took initiative to release a News Letter-Jamal Insider in 2018-19.
  • Government of Tamil Nadu identified our College to sanction infrastructure grants under RUSA Scheme.
  • DST sort listed our College to sanction FIST Level “O” grant under the PG Colleges for College as a whole
  • Under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Scheme (from IIT, Delhi), our College was granted permission to transform local communities through participating envisioning sustainable growth, healthy practices among the public and private sectors to make better India.
  • DST sanctioned FIST Level "O" grant of Rs. 1,10,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore and ten lakhs) for a period of 5 years to support financially 6 Departments of our College namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Computer Science in 2020.
  • Thiru Edappadi K. Palaniswami, Honble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, presented The New Indian Express "Think Edu Award" to our College on 9th January 2020 for our consistent efforts in providing quality education.
  • Five Science Departments such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology have been short-listed after a meritorious presentation, among many competing institutions and awarded the Star College Scheme by the Department of Bio-Technology (DBT) in 2020.
  • During the academic year 2020-2021, Our College was ranked as one of the Top hundred Colleges (65th rank) in the National Institutional Ranking Framework -2021 by MHRD, New Delhi.
  • The syllabus was revised with the introduction of Outcome Based Education for all UG, PG and M.Phil Programmes to be implemented from the academic year 2020-2021.
  • B.Voc Tourism and Hospitality Management and B.Voc Media Production were started during the academic year 2020-2021. Besides, Diploma programmes in Aquaculture, Horticulture and Insurance and Actuarial Science were also started for men students in this same academic year 2020-21 under UGC NSQF Scheme.
  • JMC Alumni Association Chapters were formed in UK, USA, Tenkasi, Kongunadu and were inaugurated through online in the academic year 2020-2021.
  • Global Alumni Job Search Engine exclusively for Jamalians was created with the support of the alumni spread all over the globe during the academic year 2020-2021.
  • Our college has secured 79th position in the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2022.