Curriculum Development Cell

About Us

A Curriculum Development Cell (CDC) is a specialized unit in Jamal Mohamed College that plans, develops and implements the curriculum. It functions effectively in execution of autonomy in our institution that was granted to us in the year 2004. It aims at the effective implementation of autonomy in curriculum design, development and execution. The major role of CDC is to design the scheme, regulation and curriculum of all UG, PG and other Programmes. CDC is functioning as a backbone in the continuous process of designing the curriculum and developing the course to provide an updated education to the stakeholders. A separate Curriculum Development Cell was established in our institution in the year 2014.

The CDC's role is to ensure that the curriculum meets current educational standards and industry requirements, and that the education provided is relevant and high quality. CDC develops the curriculum, syllabi and look for new sources required for the various programmes of our college. At present CDC is functioning effectively in our college under the guidance and directions of the Principal Dr. D.I. George Amalarethinam. At present, Dr. M. Aneez Mohamed, Associate Professor of Zoology is the Coordinator of Curriculum Development Cell.

Taking advantage of the autonomy conferred on the college it adopted Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), giving its students options to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary and skill based courses. Further it has been revising and restructuring the curriculum and the syllabi of UG, PG, M.Phil. and other programmes twice a year to tailor them to the needs and requirements of the student community, based on the guidelines and regulations given by the Bharathidasan university, UGC, AICTE and TANSCHE.

In alignment with UGC’s Learning Outcome Based Curriculum Framework (LOCF), the college opted for Outcome Based Education (OBE) from the academic year 2020-2021 with clearly defined programme outcomes, programme specific outcomes and course outcomes for all UG and PG programmes in accordance with local, regional, national and global needs. Students are given more exposure in the form of field works, internships and individual & group projects. They have to mandatorily opt for online courses thereby gaining new learning experiences. Apart from regular core courses, generic elective courses, ability enhancement courses (exclusive courses on women empowerment offered to women students) and skill enhancement courses are offered under OBE to provide for their holistic development.

The college offers 11 UG programmes and 11PG programmes under Government Aided Stream and 14 UG programmes and 13 PG programmes under Self-financing stream for men and also 18 UG and 15 PG programmes for women, 17 Ph.D. programmes for both men and women through its 30 departments of Arts, Science, Management Studies and Physical Education. In the last five years, the college has introduced 4 B.Voc. Degree Programmes and 3 B.Voc. Diploma programmes under NSQF scheme with multiple entry and exit system leading to certificate, diploma and degree.

The college periodically collects feedback from its students, employers, teachers and alumni for the betterment of curriculum design and delivery. This has helped the college to adopt the right action plans for improvement.

Coordinators of Curriculum Development Cell:

S.No Name of the Coordinators Year
1 Dr. S. Ismail Mohideen 2014-2016
2 Dr. E. Mubarak Ali 2016-2018
3 Dr. D. I. George Amalarethinam 2018-2022
4 Dr. T. Abdul Razak 2022-2023
5 Dr. M. Aneez Mohamed From 2023

Members of Curriculum Development Cell:

S.No Name of the Staff Designation Position
1 Dr. D. I. George Amalarethinam Principal Chairman
2 Dr. M. Aneez Mohamed Associate Professor of Zoology Coordinator
3 Dr. A. Jafar Ahamed Associate Professor of Chemistry Dy. Coordinator
4 Dr. K. Loganathan Associate Professor of Chemistry Member
5 Dr. M. Sirajudeen Assistant Professor of Commerce Member
6 Mr. J. Umar Malik Assistant Professor of Physics Member
7 Dr. A. Thoufiq Rameez Assistant Professor of Tamil Member

Composition of CDC:

1. Principal (Chairman, Board of Studies)

2. Coordinator, CDC

3. Internal Board of Studies
(Faculty Members of the Department)

4. External Board of Studies
(Faculty Members of the Department, Academic Experts, Industry Experts, Alumni and Students Representatives)

5. Academic Council
(Management Committee, Chairman BOS, University Nominees, Academic Experts, Industry Experts, Alumni and Students Representatives)

Framing of the Syllabi

The process of implementation of OBE:

1. Curriculum Development Cell (CDC)

2. Chairperson - Board of Studies (BOS)

3. Course Coordinator

In alignment with programme outcomes, five Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes (in accordance with the 6 K-levels of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy) are framed by the Board of Studies (BOS) members of specific disciplines concerned for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. These course outcomes ensure the attainment of specific skills, comprehensive knowledge about the field of study and its application in the society.

Feedback Process for Curriculum:

1. Preparation and sending the Questionnaires to the Students, Teachers, Alumni and Employers

2. Collection of Feedback from Stakeholders

3. Feedback from Teachers & Employers

4. Department Meeting and Discussion on Feedback and Revision Identified

5. Feedback from Students &Alumni

6. BOS Meeting Incorporating the Suggestions and Action Taken on Feedback from Stakeholders

7. Approval of Revised Curriculum in Board of Studies, Academic Council and Governing Body


Name of the Coordinators
1 SB1 Dr. S. Ismail Mohideen
Department of Mathematics
2 SB1 Dr. E. Mubarak Ali
Department of Commerce
3 SB1 Dr. D. I. George Amalarethinam
Department of Computer Science
4 SB1 Dr. T. Abdul Razak
Department of Computer Science
5 SB1 Dr. M. Aneez Mohamed
Department of Zoology
From 2023

Programme Outcomes



Programme Specific Outcomes


Media Protection



Hand Book on Autonomy









Computer Science



Fashion Technology




Hotel Management



Nutrition & Dietetics


Social Work



Visual Commmunication


Contact Us

The Coordinator

Curriculum Development Cell,

Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous),

Tiruchirappalli – 620 020.

Mobile: 9842445997

Phone: 0431 – 2331035
