Anti-Dowry Association
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- 1. Dr. M. Shajahan Sait (English)
- 2. Ms. M. Jasmine Fairose (Commerce SF)
The Anti-Dowry association aims at abolishing the practice of getting dowry for marriage.
- 1. To encourage the youth to abstain from getting dowry at the time of their marriage.
- 2. To create awareness among the youth on the menaces of dowry system by organizing conferences, seminars and group discussions.
- 3. To provide legal, psycho-social and emotional support to the innocent persons who are affected by malicious implications of dowry.
- 4. To provide legal aid to the families of weaker and the needy
- 5. To provide counselling to separated parents due to dowry issues
Citizen Consumer Club
View Citizen Consumer Activities

- 1. Dr. M. Yaseen Mowlana (Chemistry)
- 2. Ms. J. Harine Sargunam (N&D)
The citizen consumer club aims at instilling the spirit of the protection of consumer rights and to strengthen the activities of the consumer movements.
- 1. To enable the students to understand the fundamental rights and duties of a citizen.
- 2. To impart knowledge on the provisions and statutes concerning the protection of consumer rights by the way to create awareness from getting exploited.
- 3. To train the consumers in checking the product standard and product qualityso as to get their money’s worth.
- 4. To make consumers aware of the fact that the market is buyer oriented and to fight for justice and welfare.
- 5. To enable children, students and self-help groups to work together as a team in association with responsible communities for the protection of consumer rights.
- 6. To spread awareness on the rights and responsibilities of citizens and consumers as provided in the constitution of Indian consumer protection Act, 1986 and other Indian laws.
Electoral Literacy Clubs
Electoral Literacy Clubs (ELC’s) are platforms to engage students and people in villages through interesting activities and hands-on experience to sensitise with their electoral rights. It is constituted at the behest of Election Commission of India (ECI) in all the educational institution with a motive to aware and ensure the participation of youth & future voters who are pillars of Indian democracy.
► Electoral literacy club aims at strengthening the culture of electoral participation among young and future voters.
► The main objective of Electoral Literacy Club is to promote awareness of ‘Right to vote’ among students, faculty members and community at large.
► To develop a culture of electoral participation and maximize the ethical voting and follow the principle ‘Every vote counts’ and ‘No voters to be behind’.
► To enable critical thinking on issues related to election rights, democracies and its processes.
► To facilitate voter registration for its eligible members who are not yet registered.
► ELC works to educate the future voters about enrolment, and others electoral process like EVM/VVPAT.
Important Links
Guidelines For Filling Up The Application Form-6
Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation Program
- 1. Dr. M. Mohamed Althaf, Assistant Professor (Maths)
- 2. Dr. S. Dhilshathunnisa, Assistant Professor
Electoral Literacy Club 2023-2024
Electoral Literacy Club 2022-2023
Electoral Literacy Club 2021-2022
Exnora Club
View Exnora Activities

- 1. Dr. S. K. Periyasamy (Chemistry)
- 2. Ms. M. Habibunisha (BT)
The word "EXNORA" is derived from Excellent, Novel and Radical ideas in solving environmental problems by creating awareness on environmental issues, pollution and its degradation.
- 1. To work towards creating a safe environment and to learn about the causes of its deterioration.
- 2. To createawareness on Global Warming, plastic free environment and imparting knowledge on waste management.
- 3. To conduct programmes explaining the benefits of recycling, conservation of natural resources and sources of renewable energy.
- 4. To promote green cleaning process for a safe and healthy ecosystem.
- 5. To encourage the students and the public to promote afforestation and plantation of saplings.
Fine Arts Club / Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Scheme (UGC)
View Fine Arts Association Activities

- 1. Dr. K. Sirajudeen (Tamil) - Coordinator
- 2. Dr. K. Mohamed Umar Farooq (English) -Deputy Co-ordinator
- 3. Dr. T.Sheik Pareeth (Maths)
- 4. Ms. S. Ghousia Sulthana (Urdu)
- 5. Dr. S. Ilavarasi (Tamil)
The fine arts association provides opportunities for the students with a view to helping them explore their talents in quiz, debate, dance, music and other cultural activities.
- 1. To provide a platform for the students to exhibit their talents,to develop their skills in teamwork, co-ordination and competitiveness.
- 2. To conduct workshops and exhibitions to encourage the students to showcase their aesthetic knowledge, imagination andentertaining skills.
- 3. To incorporate a sense of joy among the fellow students by involving them in music composition, singing, dancing and other talents.
- 4. To enhance their imagination and enable the students topersevere for greater achievements.
Gender Champion Club
View Gender Club Activities

Gender Club endeavors to eradicate gender imbalances in the society and addresses the issues related to gender problems.
- 1. Dr. A. Abdul Rasheed (Arabic)
- 2. Ms. N. Asiffa Jabeen (Nutrition & Dietetics)
- 1. To sensitize the students to work against gender discrimination, harassment of women and other societal problems.
- 2. To provide opportunities to the students to offer innovative servicesto change the mindset of citizens on gender issues.
- 3. To reduce gender inequalities in employment and providing social protection for working womenand to strengthen their professional advancement.
- 4. To create awareness among the younger generation on various gender issues that prevail in our society.
Helping Hearts / UGC Divyangjan Scheme
View Helping Hearts Activities

- 1. Dr. M. Habeebur Rahman (Commerce Aided)
- 2. Ms. Z. Sirajunisha (Mathematics)
This club aims at helping the orphans, senior citizens, visually challenged people, physically challenged students and people with medical and educationalneeds.
- 1. To help orphanages by providing financial and moral support.
- 2. To visit old age homes and blind homes regularly to fulfil their needs.
- 3. To conduct cultural and sports events for physically challenged students.
- 4. To guide the patients and assist their care takers in gettingadmitted in the Government Hospital, Tiruchirappalli.
- 5. To offer financial help to fellow students who are inneed of support for their education related expenditures.
Leo Club
View Leo Club Activities

- 1. Dr. S. Abbas Manthiri (Physics Aided)
- 2. Ms. B. Yasmin Banu (English)
LEO is derived from leadership, experience, opportunities. LEO clubs encourage the youth to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities.
- 1. To develop leadership and gather experience through services to the community.
- 2. To provide the youth an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively as responsible members of the local society , nation and international community.
- 3. To develop dedication, positive attitude and commitment towards the social work and enable them to achieve it, for social well-being.
- 4. To insist the importance of blood donation among the youth for the noble cause of saving lives at crucial times.
National Caded Corps

NCC Officers
- 1. Capt. F.S. Muzammil (Physics) - Infantry
- 2. Dr. K. Vijayakumar (Commerce) - Armed Sqn.
- 3. Lt. J. Hajiram Beevi (I.T) - NCC
The main motto of the NCC units of our College is to develop unity and discipline. The national cadet corps is a voluntary organization, engaging the youth of the country so as to transform them into disciplined and patriotic citizens.
- 1. To develop discipline, hard work, confidence, honesty, character and comradeship among the cadets.
- 2. To mould the cadets as responsible and disciplined citizen of our nation and to undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow citizens.
- 3. To make the cadets learn leadership qualities, and instill in thempatriotismto strengthen their spirit of being an Indians.
- 4. To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in various defence and uniformed services of our nation.
- 5. To conduct youth capacity-building programmes for empowerment, development and humanitarian services.
National Service Scheme

NSS Programme Officers
- 1. Dr. S. S. Syed Abuthahir (Chemistry-Aided)
- 2. Dr. M. Shahid Ahmed
- 3. Mr.D. Prabaharan (Tamil-SF)
- 4. Dr. M. Shajahan (Commerce-SF)
- 5. Dr. M. Sathik
- 6. Dr. S. Parvathi
- 7. Ms. K. Hasan Basaria
Motto : The Motto of NSS “Not Me But You”, reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service.
- 1. To understand the volunteers' relation with their community.
- 2. To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
- 3. To develop competence required for harmonious living and sharing of responsibilities.
- 4. To gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
- 5. To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and practice national integration and social harmony.
Red Ribbon Club
View RRC Activities

The Red Ribbon Club creates an awareness on HIV & AIDS and motivates students to understand its preventive measures.
- 1. Dr. M.A. Rifayathali (Mathematics Aided)
- 2. Dr. A. Samsath Begum (Chemistry SF)
- 1. To inculcate morality among the youth.
- 2. To create awareness among the public on HIV & AIDS.
- 3. To motivate the youth to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS there by reducing stigma and discrimination against them.
- 4. To encourage the public for donating blood to the needy.
Rotaract Club
View Rotaract Club Activities

- 1. Dr. N. Mohamed Thoiyab (Mathematics)
- 2. Ms. B. Diana (Computer Science)
The Rotaract Club concentrates on promoting leadership qualities.
- 1. To provide opportunities to the youth to enhance the knowledge and leadership skills that enable them to develop their personality.
- 2. To identify the physical and social needs and promote better relations among the people to participate in building a better society.
- 3. To make the students respectthe rights of others, and to strive for ethical values and dignity of the fellow human beings.
- 4. To create an awareness among the public in preventing vision impairment and importance of eye donation.
Thanner Sutru Choolal Maanavar Mandram
View Thanner Activities

- 1. Dr. A. Prasanna (Mathematics Aided)
- 2. Dr. P. Dhanalakshmi (Zoology SF)
- 1. To create awareness among the public on the importance of water resources management.
- 2. To train the students in establishing rainwater pits and other methods of rain water harvesting and implement them through field visit.
- 3. To preserve water resources in Tiruchirappalli district in collaboration with the city municipal corporation and the village panchayaths.
- 4. To plant saplings for avoiding soil erosion.
- 5. To maintain the college as a plastic free campus.
Youth Red Cross
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The Youth Red Cross is a voluntary humanitarian organization which provides relief at times of disasters and emergencies, andpromotes health care of the people.

- 1. Dr. M.H.N. Badhusha (Commerce Aided)
- 2. Ms.C. Manochithra (FT)
- 1. To promote health, hygiene, sanitation and educate the members of community about the prevention of diseases and mitigation of suffering.
- 2. To train the youth on disaster management so as to render quality service to the needy.
- 3. To develop co-operation between the donors and the needy in social welfare activities.
- 4. To enhance humanity, voluntary service and unity among the youth.
View Jamcrop Activities
Jamal Mohamed College Community Reach out Programme (JAMCROP) builds a healthy relationship between the College and the society by adopting villages and providing facilities there.

- 1. Dr. B.Mohamed Rafeeq (Economics) - Coordinator
- 2. Dr. C.Hariharan (Physics) - Deputy Co-ordinator
- 3. Mr. S. Akbar Ali (English - SF)
- 4. Ms. S. Tamil Fathima (Comp. Applications) - Deputy Co-ordinator
- 5. Dr. G. Hema Sindhuja (Chemistry - SF)
- 1. To make the students understand the human dimension of academic disciplines and develop a conceptual frame work for their community service.
- 2. To enhance the quality of life of the villagers by extending academic, social, economic and cultural developments.
- 3. To motivate the students to take surveys on the needs of the people in their surroundings and take follow up steps.
- 4. The link between community service and academic work enhances a holistic development of the students
(i) The Initiative
A milestone in the history of our college is Jamal Mohamed College Community Reach out Programme (JAMCROP). Our college has the mission of helping the masses. In this legacy, JAMCROP is devoted in extending service in the social, economic, educational and cultural development of the village people. It builds up a healthy relationship between the college and the society by adopting villages and providing our services and facilities.
(ii) The Service
The institution neighbourhood network is established and maintained through community development activities. The college promotes the services such as Socio Economic Survey, Computer Literacy to School Children, Communication Skills in English, Consumer Awareness and Consumer Rights, Health Awareness, Environmental Awareness and Job oriented programmes.
(iii) The augmentation
The JAMCROP Coordinatorsexplain the programme details to the tutors. They have to peruse and identify the needs and places which require augmentation of support and service. The placesare selected in and around Trichy district. The augmentation is effectively carried out with the help of the college funding support. These activities play a vital role in strengthening the nation with integration.
(i) The Implementation
We serve to grow; we grow to serve. The outreach programme of the college aims at providing services, awareness, facilities in the adopted villages. Our college has adopted the villagepanchayats namely Poonampalyam, Inamkulathur, Irangalur, Nagamangalam, and Manachanallur. Moreover, students extend their services to the non-adopted villages also according to need of the people. This has been included as part of the curriculum under the Extension Activities of First year UG and PG students. Each student has to spend 10 hours during I and II semesters in the adopted villages and participate in the specific activities identified by each department of the college. The students are offered grades as A/B/C/D according to their performance inthe following activities.
Neighbourhood Enhancement
► Collect and distribute supplies for persons who have been victims of a disaster like fire or other natural calamities.
► Plant a community garden in their residential location
► Teach at a community centre to enhance the skills.
► Present a petition to local body office for lighting along poorly lit streets.
► To help set up a community library through our volunteers.
Special Needs
► Set up a friendly system for spending time with differently-abled students at the college or hostel.
► Make arrangements to supply books, or other needed materials for the special educational school or community centre.
► Volunteer to read books or newspapers to those who are visually impaired.
Homeless and/or Hungry
► Help cook/serve meals at a homeless living place like road side/bridge side or supply a good stove or vessel.
► Supply stationery/foot wear/cloth for children who are homeless at a local shelter like road side/bridge side.
► Organize the various awareness campaigns.
► Provide combs, toothbrushes, soap, etc. to make “Personal Care” for people who are homeless.
► Teach basic education such as numbers, alphabets and healthy practices to the homeless peoples.
Evidence of Success
The beneficiaries of our services have acknowledged and encouraged the same. Service involvement moulds students’ personal values, sense of commitment and develops self-esteem, enhances leadership qualities, promotes inter-personal relationships and sense of dedication to society. Students come to realize their responsibilities to render their support towards the needy people of the society to develop. Students start to lend their helping hands to the downtrodden community to achieve their goals and feel satisfaction as a proud citizen of the nation. Students create social awareness on different types of schemes of both the Central and State governments to reach the public and get benefitted.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)
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- 1. Dr. K. Sheik Fareeth (MSW) - Coordinator
- 2. Dr. A. Abdul Hakeem (English) - Deputy Co-ordinator
- 3. Ms. S. Peerani (English) - Deputy Co-ordinator
- Department Placement Officer - Members
The Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) Cell was created in our campus in the year 2019 with the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India. The Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) is a flagship program of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, with the intention to enrich rural India and the UBA cell of our college is functioning as an associate with Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU), Coimbatore as State Co-ordinating Agency and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi as National Co-ordinating Agency. The UBA cell aims to create a vibrant relationship between the students and the society (i.e. Lab to Land as per UGC guidelines), with the latter providing the knowledge and technology support to improve the livelihoods in rural areas of Olaiyur, Gundur, Nagamangalam(CT), Punnampalayam and Mannachanullur. In this process the students would be re-oriented and connected to the rural realities.
Drug Abolishers Association / UGC- Say No To Drugs Scheme
- 1. Mr. A. Mohamed Ismail (Arabic)
- 2. Ms.R. Geetha (Physics)
The Drug Abolishers Association was established in our campus in the year 2020 with the motto “SAY NO TO DRUGS” to confront the problems due to drug usage among youngsters. The objective of the association is to bring awareness among the youngsters on causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health. The association is functioning as an associate with Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India in addressing the drug menace. This student body acts as an early warning system in case of any misuse/abuse of drugs, through regular awareness programmes, constant communication, counseling and continued support to instill self-confidence and self-belief in such students.