Jamal Innovation and Incubation Centre (JIIC) & Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

Jamal Innovation and Incubation Centre (JIIC)

Our college, apart from teaching and extension activities is doing outstanding and innovative research in several fields of basic and applied sciences. The college recognizes its responsibility to propagate and disseminate knowledge. Hence, there is a need to encourage creativity and scholarly works and to develop new and useful materials, devices and other intellectual property. Creating the intellectual property shall have potential for commercialization, which in turn contributes to the professional development of the individual involved, enhances the reputation of the college, offers expanded educational opportunities for students and promotes public welfare. The college is committed to provide all sorts of conducive environment to the researchers which results in creation of innovation and start-ups. In order to achieve these goals, Jamal Innovation and Incubation Centre was registered under MHRD Innovation Cell on 10-10-2018.

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC)

In the year 2018, the Ministry of Education (MoE) through MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) launched the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) program in collaboration with AICTE for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to systematically foster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in education institutions. Primarily, IICs’ role is to engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, Problem solving, Proof of Concept development, Design Thinking, IPR, project handling and management at Pre-incubation/Incubation stage, etc., so that innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in HEIs. The IIC model is designed to address the existing challenges/issues in HEIs such as less numbers, occasional and unplanned Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) activities organised in HEIs with low involvement of top leadership, lack of coherence and absence of synergy in resource mobilization, deployment and underutilization of creative potential of youths as major barrier for vibrant I&E ecosystem to emerge from HEIs.

IIC model is unique and distinct as it integrates the functionalities of flexibility calendar activities, scoring and reward system, decentralizing operation with division of work, progress monitoring and incentive mechanisms in coordinated manner through a robust digital platform. In last two years, undoubtedly, IIC has emerged as a very sustainable and scalable model for promoting innovation within HEIs and the efforts of these IIC Institutes can be seen as impactful contribution towards making country’s innovation and start-ups ecosystem more vibrant and dynamic.


To conduct various programmes related to innovation, entrepreneurship, startup and IPR for students and faculty members as per the direction of Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell (MIC).

To engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities.

To create awareness on Innovation and entrepreneurship to the students and faculty members.

To create awareness on startup and IPR to the students and faculty members.

To foster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in our college.

To create Students and staff as entrepreneurs.

To create startup companies from students and faculty members.


S. No. Name Position Assigned in JIIC and Designation
1 Dr. A. S. Haja Hameed Coordinator & Assistant Professor of Physics
2 Dr. T. Nargis Begum Member & Department of Biotechnology Deputy Coordinator
3 Dr. A. Prasanna Member & Department of Mathematics
4 Mr. M. Ragamath Ali Member & Department of Computer Science & IT
5 Dr. M.H.N. Badhusha Member & Department of Commerce
6 Dr. M. Yaseen Mowlana Member & Department of Chemistry
7 Mr. J. Mohamed Ubada Member & Communication Trainer
8 Dr. R. Shalini Member & Department of Biotechnology
9 Dr. N. Reehana Member & Department of Microbiology
10 Dr. G. Hema Sindhuja Member & Department of Chemistry
11 Dr. M. Varusai Mohamed Member & Department of Chemistry


S. No. Name Member Type (Teaching/Non-Teaching/External Expert) Key Role / Position assigned in IIC
1 Dr. A. Shajahan Teaching President
2 Dr. A. S. Haja Hameed Teaching Convener
3 Dr. A. Zahir Hussain Teaching IPR Activity Coordinator
4 Dr. S. Kathar Usean Teaching EDC Coordinator
5 Dr. A. Sangeetha Teaching Start-up activity Coordinator
6 Dr. S. Benazir Begum Teaching Internship Coordinator
7 Mr. M. Ragamath Ali Teaching Social Media Coordinator
8 Dr. N. Reehana Teaching Innovation Coordinator
9 Dr. M. S. Mary Mangaiyarkarasi,
Bangalore Bio-Innovation Centre,
External expert Patent Expert
10 Mr. N. Kanagasabapathy,
R.K Metal Industries,
External expert Expert from nearby Industry
11 Dr. S. Beer Mohamed,
Dean – School of Technology
Central University of Tamil Nadu
Thiruvarur- 610 002.
External expert Member from nearby Incubation Centre
12 Mr. J. Saravanan,
Business Manager,
Trichy Agri Business Incubation Forum, TNAU,
External expert Expert in Start-up / Entrepreneurship

Contact Us

Email Address: jiic@jmc.edu (General information and queries)
                            startup@jmc.edu (Startup related information and queries)


Coordinator, JIIC, JMC

Mobile No. 9894864497