Department of Mathematics

Inauguration and Special Lecture Programme

  • 7
  • 12
  • 2023


Inaugural and special lecture program of the mathematics association of SF Woman was conducted on 12 July 2023 FOR DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS students. Nearly 180 students attended the session.

The program was started with Quirt. Ms. M.Asma II Msc and DR. S.Shajitha begum Welcome the gathering and R.Shiny II Msc introduced the Chief Guest.

Our vice president M.S.Afya Farhana introduced the team of office bearers 2k23-2k24.

Our Chief Guest Dr. T.Asir, he has published 30 research articles, he has developed online mathematical content through MOOC courses, “core and pedagogy of mathematics”, ”modern algebra”, ”graph theory” in SWAYAM platform(MHRD).

He started his lecture by saying “how gauss invented the sum of 1 to 10 integers” and the value of Pi is 3.14. And he ended his lecture by saying 14th march 2015 announced as a SUPER PI DAY.

The program ended with vote of thanks done by Ms. N.Arshiya of II Bsc maths.

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