To become a world class, highly acclaimed, innovative and competitive centre of academic and extra academic excellence in Higher Education by offering value added and socially relevant programmes to the students including minority, backward and socially disadvantaged sections of the society.
To provide a unique experience which will enable the student to realize their innate potential and mould their overall personality by
► Offering quality education at affordable cost
► Developing skills and providing career opportunities
► Inculcating and nurturing ethical, spiritual, moral and human values
► Promoting consultancy activity, research and development
► Creating interest and instilling confidence for achievements.
Secretary's Message

Dr. A.K. Khaja Nazeemudeen, D.Litt.(USA)
Secretary & Correspondent
The college was founded in 1951, has now grown into a multi-faculty institution, offering wide variety of courses to over 11000 students hailing from different parts of the country and also from abroad. One of the oldest colleges of the state, we are ever new. While we take pride in our traditions, we are never complacent. We keep on searching, renewing and expanding, attempting to be ever relevant to the changing situations of time. That is why we enjoy a place of eminence among educational institutions in the southern part of country.
It is our unwavering commitment to the highest quality education that has speeded us on this journey. I would also like to thank the generations of parents who entrusted us with the care and education of their children. It is their faith and belief in that has helped us come this far. I believe that education has the most critical role to play in the progress of a nation. We realize that our students represent the future of our society and we take our responsibility seriously.
Along with the requisite academic and related skills, we instill in our students, empathy for those less fortunate and concern for the environment around them. We create opportunities, not just for young people to learn but also for them to experience the fulfillment that comes from sharing this learning with others. At Jamal, we always focuse on delivering education that help create the leaders of tomorrow's world - men and women who will not just be successful in their individual capacities but who will in turn, contribute to nurture the world they live in.
I assure the young and dynamic future generations, who wish to join Jamal Mohamed College, that your stay with this institution will be fully equipped with state-of art theoretical knowledge, innovative and creative practical skills and entrepreneurial attitudes to achieve a brilliant success in life.
Principal's Message

Dr. D.I. George Amalarethinam
Jamal Mohamed College was started with the aim of providing quality education to all the sections of the society including minority, backward and disadvantaged students, at an affordable cost. The college provides an excellent infrastructure with well equipped laboratories, seminar halls, and a modernized library. We have a team of qualified, experienced, and committed faculty who are dedicated for the development of the institution by imparting their knowledge and play the role of facilitators as well as role models to our students.
Regular training is given to students to develop their soft skills. The college is relentlessly striving to perceive and maintain academic excellence at the same time encourages the students to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
The members of the management are highly dedicated and supportive for the overall development of the students, the faculty and the college as a whole. They take keen interest and stand behind all the endeavors.
We are also confident of the prospects that open for both our students and the college in the future. It is in this faith that we offer to you an educational experience which is shaped by commitment, enthusiasm, discipline, effectiveness, insight and creativity - an educational experience which can withstand the demands of the contemporary world.
I am sure that you will enjoy studying in our college and realize your dreams of becoming a distinguished technocrat, capable of meeting the challenges of the day as valuable citizens of our country.