The National Handloom Day Celebration was held on 07.08.2024. The function started by 4.30 pm with a Qirat. The Head of the department Ms. A.G. Meera welcomed the gathering and introduced Our Chief Guest Mr. G.R.Ganesh Shankar, Sri Kanchi Silks, Chennai. The felicitation given by Dr. R. Jahir Hussain Vice Principal Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli. The Chief Guest has given the speech on Innovation in Handloom industry in enhancing livelihood of weavers, struggle of weavers, new technology and innovation in silk production and updating in handloom industry. The students were benefited out is special lecturer and how the weavers work carried out in handloom. The Vote of thanks was delivered by C. Manochitra Assistant Professor, Organizing secretary of this event.