Department of Computer Science

Student Induction Program 2024-2025

  • 6
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  • 2024

After completion of general assembly meeting at NBAG Auditorium, the next day the students of I B.Sc. (Computer Science) assembled at Computer Science Seminar Hall. Dr.T. Abdul Razak, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Head In-Charge welcomed the gathering and addressed the first year students. He offered tributes to the College founders and Professors whose tireless effort have brought the laurels to the Department. He extended his speech mentioning the various facilities available in the Department - namely Laboratory, Classrooms and Library etc., Dr.M.Wasim Raja, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and class teacher explained the department profile and strengh of the department.

After completion of general assembly meeting at NBAG Auditorium, the next day the students of I B.Sc. (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) assembled at Computer Science Seminar Hall. Dr.T. Abdul Razak, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Head In-Charge welcomed the gathering and addressed the first year students. He offered tributes to the College founders and Professors whose tireless effort have brought the laurels to the Department. He extended his speech mentioning the various facilities available in the Department - namely Laboratory, Classrooms and Library etc., Mr.Y. Mohamed Iqbal, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and class teacher explained the department profile and strengh of the department.

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